Paul McCran's



I discovered an unusual problem when accessing the Citrix Policy node in the Studio console.  It should be noted that nothing had changed on the policy side, and the policies were viewable, earlier on in the day.  There were no conflicting Group Policy settings being applied and no powershell scripts had been run.

1 ) From studio console, click on Powershell button
2)  Type in  add-pssnapin citrix.* (not usually required)
3)  Type in
    new-psdrive "Mysite" -psprovider CitrixGroupPolicy -Root \ -controller *nameofyourcontroller*
4)  Type cd mysite: 5)  Type dir, and find the location of your policy.
6)  Type Cd user. check, then dir.  Check the policy names and priority
7)  Type Cd..
8)  Type CD Computer, check the policy names and priority

You may find that there are duplicate policy names in each container, both with different policy priorities. I found this, and decided to remove all of the policies except the unfiltered policy, and start again:

9)  To locate name of the policy and remove:

For example, the name of my policy was Citrix Profile Management.    To remove it, I type Rd "CITRIX PROFILE MANAGEMENT"
10)  Go back to the Studio, click Policy > Refresh.

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