Paul McCran's


Xendesktop 7 - Using Powershell to add new machines into a Machine Catalog Identity Pool

There may be occasions where you need to use powershell to create the Machine Names, rather than the Xendesktop 7 Studio Wizard.  In this scenario you can use Powershell:

Add-PSSnapin Citrix.ADIdentity.Admin.V2
Add-PSSnapin Citrix.*.Admin.V*

Get-AcctIdentityPool -adminaddress *replace with name of your controller*
Take a note of the identity Pool name that you'd like to add new machines into

New-AcctADAccount -IdentityPoolName "your Identity Pool" -Count 2 -StartCount 50 -OutVariable result

This above command will create the Machines using the Naming Scheme currently applied to your Identity Pool that your adding these Machine account into.  The hostname count will start at 50 eg:

Current Naming Scheme: HOST###
The above command will create VM accounts: HOST050 & HOST051

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