Paul McCran's


Imported App-V Package - Not visible in the Studio Console - XenApp 7.8

When you add an App-V sequenced package into the new XenApp 7.8 integrated App-V library, you will need to make sure that the location you are importing the packages from is a network Share.  If you do not import the package from a network share, you'll notice that the powershell command to import the package is run, but the Studio screen appears blank and the application is not added.

On further investigation,  the Studio Console Log will display "Successful" for the import.  The Windows event log will show no details of any error.  You can launch Powershell from Studio and type the command:


This will display a list of the imported App-V packages.  You may notice that there will be entries in there even though there is nothing in Studio.  Notice the erroneous metadata entries (Your failed import attempts) and zero package GUID information.  When you try to remove these entries using Remove-AppLibAppVPackage -UID, it will not work.  

Citrix will implement a patch for this issue, but in the meantime, please be aware that if you add a package from any location that isn't a share, it will not display an error and it may create erroneuos metadata entries.

  • Check the location that you import the Sequenced Packages from is a Network Share
  • Check the Citrix Application Library Service is running on the Delivery Controllers

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