This is something that I need to share, especially for those of you who plan to implement Xendesktop 7 and APP-V integration.
So, you've just spent a few days putting the Xendesktop site together, the wheels are on and polished, it's looking pretty good--the only problem is that you have no seats! I'm referring to APP-V 5 packages not being seen on your hosted shared desktop. You're probably wondering why this is, because you've rolled this solution out before and you've used "Application & Desktop" Delivery group types before too. But you may want to check that group type again, because the chances are that you've setup a "Desktop" delivery group type, thinking that everything will work exactly the same as an "Application" or "Application & Desktop" delivery group type, but that isn't the case:
When you create an "Application" or "Application & Desktop" Delivery group type, the App-V 5 management and publishing server setting are inherited from the site level configuration. But Desktop delivery groups do not inherit these settings by default, because desktop delivery groups are unable to publish applications and do not inherit the App-V 5 settings from the site configuration. Instead, you have to tell a Desktop delivery group to use the specific App-v 5 site policy (Link them)
You would follow this procedure to link your Desktop Delivery group type to the site App-V policy:
Open the Citrix Studio Console and click on the "Powershell Tab", followed by the Powershell button, located on the tab and type these commands:
1) Get-BrokerDesktopGroup -adminaddress *yourdeliverycontroller*
2) Get-BrokerMachineConfiguration –Name AppV*
(Displays the site's app-v policy name)
3) Add-BrokerMachineConfiguration –Name AppV\XYZ –DesktopGroup UID
(Replace the AppV\XYZ with the app-v policy name found from the previous command output. Then add the UID of the delivery group, found within the first command output.)
It's prudent to do a reboot of the servers after this.
Log back again, and Bob's your uncle! Your seat are back in the motor!
But before you go, you'll also need to be aware that if you're using folder redirection, you'll need to exclude App-V directories and settings from that process. If you don't do this, then you're likely to see the app's only once, at first logon. So do the following in Citrix Policies:
"You must exclude the following items using Profile management exclusions:
- Profile Management\File system\Exclusion list\directories:
- AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\AppV\Client\Catalog
- AppData\Local\Microsoft\AppV
- Profile Management\Registry\Exclusion list:
- Software\Microsoft\AppV\Client\Integration
- Software\Microsoft\AppV\Client\Publishing"