Paul McCran's


Open PowerShell on the controller and type add-pssnapin citrix.*

To mount the policies, type new-psdrive “Mysite” –psprovider CitrixGroupPolicy –Root \ -controller *yourcontroller*

Note: “Mysite” is the name of the psdrive you are creating, so it could be anything.
Type cd mysite:\.

Type dir, and find the location of your policy.

In this example, user container is being used, so type Cd user first

Check the number of policies and note the priority number. Then do the same cd.. and cd computer and check if there are conflicting policy
priorities, check for duplication of policies that are in user and computer containers.

To locate name of the policy which is causing the issue, type dir.

In the preceding image, the policy name is CPM PROFILE, so to remove it, type Rd “.\CPM PROFILE”.

Go back to the Studio, click Policy > Refresh.

You will now be able to see the rest of the policies and can modify/create once more.

You might want to remove them all except the unfiltered policy and a start again. This is what I did to get this working again.  Why the duplication happens? That's something I don't have an answer to at the moment

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