Paul McCran's

It appeared that user logons were initially taking too long when logging in from Citrix Storefront.

I checked the DC that the Xendesktop were using to authenticate using this powershell command from the servers:


$context = New-Object System.DirectoryServices.ActiveDirectory.DirectoryContext($type, "insert you domain name")

$domain = [System.DirectoryServices.ActiveDirectory.Domain]::GetDomain($context)


Then I checked the Citrix Policy to make sure that Session Reliability was on (As default) and also checked the Firewall was enabled on the session hosts and Master Image (It Wasn't)

I then downloaded the following hotfix by Citrix, to resolve this issue on the VDA.  This was installed on the master image, an the MCS Catalog then updated

The patch can be downloaded from:


Also, there have been numerous issues with the new Graphic Codec in Xendesktop 7.  I found that changing the Citrix Graphics to Legacy mode to increase the logon times significantly.  Be sure to check whether your client side redirection policies are tuned also, as client redirection will also slow logons.  You may also be able to redirect the Desktop and Documents folder at logon.
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